KPMG Powering Tomorrow: Irish attitudes to energy transition
KPMG in conjunction with Red C, conducted the first-ever broad survey of Irish people and their attitudes to all elements of the energy transition.
Powering Tomorrow research reveals that people in Ireland are broadly committed to change and support large-scale energy infrastructure and renewable energy projects once they benefit local communities and create jobs. However, to secure Ireland’s energy future and achieve energy independence, we need a compelling vision for what this will mean for people, their communities and future job prospects.
Get in touch
Our Powering Tomorrow report shows that there is real support for the right large-scale energy projects in Ireland.
If you have any queries about how your business could seize this opportunity, please contact Colm O'Neill of our Energy, Utilities and Telecoms practice. We'd be delighted to hear from you.
Colm O'Neill
Partner, Global Head of Power and Utilities
KPMG in Ireland
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If you’re a media professional and have any questions about this article or would like to speak to one of our experts for background or interview purposes, please don't hesitate to reach out to us. Contact Sandra Farrell of our Communications team for more information.
Sandra Farrell
Associate Director of Communications
KPMG in Ireland