The Energy Exchange podcast explores the path to Ireland’s exciting energy future. Hosted by Colm O’Neill, Head of Energy, Utilities & Telcos at KPMG Ireland and featuring some of Ireland’s leading energy experts, we discuss the practical steps we can take for Ireland to reach its full potential as a major energy producer.
In a world driven by constant innovation and growing demand, understanding the intricacies of energy is more crucial than ever. Whether you're an industry expert, an aspiring engineer, an environmental enthusiast, or simply curious about the future of energy, this podcast is your go-to resource for insightful discussions, expert interviews and cutting-edge insights into the dynamic world of energy. We discuss what our future will look like, the opportunity of these changes, the impact to the economy and what stands in our way.
So, get ready to recharge your knowledge, plug into the latest energy trends, and ignite your passion for all things energy related.
Season 2
Episode 3: Catherine Sheridan, Enviroguide Consulting
In this episode, Catherine Sheridan, Technical Director for Sustainability and Circular Economy for Enviroguide Consulting, joins Colm O’Neill.
They discuss green hydrogen, its challenges and role. They also discuss how we can connect with people to embrace the change needed for the energy transition, how Catherine got into STEM and what advice she has for young people who might be interested in a career in STEM.
Episode 2: Geraldine Heavey, ESB
In this episode, Colm is joined by Geraldine Heavey Executive Director Enterprise Services, ESB.
They explore ESB's strategy for a low-carbon energy future, ESB’s goals for achieving net zero by 2030, and the key actions they're taking. They also discuss the role of the Enterprise Services team in ESB, the new capabilities, and initiatives to encourage women in the energy industry.
Episode 1: Dr. Val Cummins, Simply Blu
Dr Val Cummins of Simply Blu outlining what is vital to our future and the Energy Transition.
Val Cummins is Chief Impact Officer & Portfolio Director Ireland with Simply Blu who develop pioneering projects in the blue economy. She is also member of the board for Simply Blu and works as the Project Managing Director joint venture partnership with EDF to develop floating off shore wind. Simply Blu have offices globally in Ireland UK, Spain and Canada.
Season 1
Episode 5: The KPMG view
KPMG's Head of Corporate Finance and EMA Head of Infrastructure Michele Connolly and Head of Sustainable Futures Russell Smyth speak to Colm about Ireland's renewables success to date and the infrastructure challenges and investment required for the transition, from housing retrofits to grid upgrades and renewable energy projects.
Episode 4: Muireann Lynch, ESRI
Muireann Lynch, Senior Research Officer in the Economic Analysis division of the Economic and Social Research Institute speaks to KPMG's Colm O'Neill about the complexity of Ireland's energy transition, her reaction to Ireland's first ever offshore wind auction and what the industry can do to attract more women.
Episode 3: Paul Deane, UCC
Colm O’Neill and Paul Deane, Senior Lecturer at University College Cork (UCC), team up on this Podcast to discuss what our future will look like being run by renewable energy and what changes we need to make to get there. They will also look at the blockage to the changes we need to make.
Episode 2: David Kelly, Gas Networks Ireland
Colm is joined by David Kelly to discuss the role of Gas Networks Ireland (GNI) play in the overall Energy system, the infrastructure to support it and how GNI will transform their business to fall in line with Government policy and how this will support Ireland.
Episode 1: Ian O’Hora, IDA
Ian O’Hora, Head of Engineering & Green Economy joins KPMG’s Colm O’Neill in our first edition of Energy Exchange. They discuss the rich ecosystem in Ireland enhancing the attractiveness for FDI, the challenge of Data Centres and what the IDA are doing to enable Ireland’s energy future.
Get in touch
If you have any queries on the topics raised in our Energy Exchange podcast, please get in touch with Colm O'Neill, Head of Energy, Utilities and Telecoms.
Colm O'Neill
Partner, Global Head of Power and Utilities
KPMG in Ireland