Whether you are already claiming the R&D tax credit or just considering your eligibility, it is essential to remember that R&D does not just happen in the laboratory – quite often it is the work a company would consider to be a day-to-day activity: developing a new product; devising or making improvements to a production process; trying out a new material to reduce costs. The list is extensive, and with a potential saving of up to 25% of qualifying expenditure, it is worth checking if your activities meet the criteria.
What is the research and development (“R&D”) tax credit?
What expenditure qualifies for the credit?
Are you doing R&D?
Revenue audits
Do you have an R&D-related query?
Contact us. If you would like to request an R&D tax credits brochure, require information on how we can assist your company, or would like us to call you directly to discuss your particular circumstances, please email us at info@kpmg.ie.
We will endeavour to respond to your initial query within two working days.
Ken Hardy
KPMG in Ireland
Damien Flanagan
KPMG in Ireland