KPMG Ireland has commenced a new European Commission Horizon Europe research collaborative project PEERS (PracticE Ecosystem for standaRdS). The project support practitioners and emergency first responders (such as firefighters and police) in communicating their needs to standardisation organisations and technical committees across Europe. This effort will streamline existing processes and enhance civil security and disaster risk resilience across the EU.
PEERS aims to advance and reinforce existing policy through practitioner-driven pre-normative standardisation processes , which will enhance the development of a European Better Practice ecosystem. The project aims to support the effective strengthening of preparedness and response in the field of Disaster Risk Resilience (DRR) and Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear, and high yield Explosives (CBRN-e) through standardisation.
The ecosystem brings together Europe's disaster risk management for natural hazards and CBRN-E and European research policymaking, societal stakeholders standardisation bodies, and industry stakeholders to strengthen European resilience to all hazards through a comprehensive engagement and consultation governance mechanism.
Who’s involved?
PEERS is coordinated by KPMG Future Analytics (Ireland) and involves the Chairperson of CEN/TC391 (Societal and Citizen Security), Europe’s leading intelligence in resilience, the Resilience Advisors Network, amongst a complementary consortium of nine partners including two national standardisation bodies (UNMZ/CAS, MSZT), TFC Research and Innovation Ltd, the National University of Ireland Galway (NUIG), Fondazione FORMIT Srl, FIPRA International and Székely Family & Co. Kft., all acting for positive change to the standardisation process in line with the needs of policymakers and practitioners.
The project started on 1 November 2022, bringing together an experienced, multi-disciplinary team of experts, who will work together for the next 36 months. The kick-off meeting will be held in Brussels on the 21st and 22nd of November.
Building on the legacy of CEN Stair4Security Project, PEERS ecosystem aims to support policymakers and practitioners including regional authorities to deliver a new set of standards focused upon the needs of this community as driven by their active participation in the area of Disaster Risk Management (DRM). The STAIR4SECURITY project ran from 2019 to 2021 and delivered a robust ecosystem supporting practitioners operating within the DRR/CBRN-e field.
Our role
KPMG Future Analytics was responsible for the design and creation of an eLearning tool supporting the main platform by providing hands-on, tailored-made tutorials. It also enabled the delivery of courses materials and instructions electronically - content was either created by the Consortium or by different other institutions and hosted through the eLearning tool, thus establishing a resource hub. This meaningful work will be furthered through PEERS to strengthen the coordination and effectiveness of policy design and implementation.
PEERS was presented at the CERIS - DISASTER RESILIENT SOCIETIES Cluster Conference. The event was hosted by DG HOME and co-organised by Horizon 2020 and Horizon Europe projects under the CERIS umbrella for four days starting 7 November 2022. PEERS' involvement in co-financing this important event is the first flagship initiative, cementing our commitment towards working together with practitioners and not in silo.
Get in touch
Get in touch with our Future Analytics team to find out more about the project. We'd be delighted to hear from you.