The dockless micro mobility revolution
A change worth making?
Dockless shared micro mobility promises radical improvements in accessibility, congestion, and air pollution in urban environments, by offering a cleaner and more efficient alternative to the car. However, in order to flourish in cities, micro mobility will need to overcome a range of objections around safety, and will need support from innovative infrastructure, regulation and policy. This paper examines the levers stakeholders have to promote dockless shared micro mobility so as to realise its benefits in the safest and quickest way possible.
Mobility Readiness Index
Are we ready for the revolution in personal transport?
The Mobility readiness index aims to assess the readiness level of 10 of the biggest urban centres on the island of Ireland (Dublin, Belfast, Galway, Cork, Limerick, Derry, Lisburn, Bangor, Waterford and Craigavon (including Portadown and Lurgan), assisting Local Authorities to focus on the areas that require more development. The intended audience is Local Authorities, or private sector interests considering where is most appropriate to penetrate the Irish market, launch a new service, or invest.
Mobility 2030: Implications for Ireland
What impact will EVs, MaaS and AV have on Ireland?
Mobility around the world has entered its most transformational moment since the invention of the internal combustion engine (ICE) or mass production of the Model T. Emerging technologies, and the pressures of population growth, urbanisation, and environmental concern, are spawning a new generation of transport solutions, which promise to transform the way we move people and goods. This paper looks at some of the key issues through a specifically Irish lens, considering Ireland’s readiness and their implications for private sector players, semi-states and policy makers.
Get in touch
Christopher Brown
Partner, Head of Strategy
KPMG in Ireland
Daragh McGreal
Director, Head of Strategic Economics
KPMG in Ireland
Michal Reut-Gelbart
Manager, Strategy
KPMG in Ireland