Adrian Toner

Managing Director

KPMG in Ireland

Adrian is a Managing Director in Regulatory Advisory at KPMG and has 12 years experience working in the Irish banking industry. His focus has centred on regulatory and economic capital modelling, ICAAP and Stress Testing delivery and strategic measurement within an Enterprise Risk Management framework. He also has experience in provision modelling, including application under IFRS9.


Prior to joining KPMG, Adrian was Head of Stress Testing and Risk Capital for a leading Irish bank. He had a wide range of responsibilities including macroeconomic model development, stress testing delivery and Pillar 2 risk quantification. He was also a lead within the Enterprise Risk Management function, which oversaw a wider risk perspective including strategic measurement, risk appetite reporting and model governance. Some highlights include:

  • Execution and delivery of internal (ICAAP) and external (EBA, BoE, IMF) stress tests. A key feature was his prominent role in the 2014 EBA Comprehensive Assessment, leading several work streams within the Asset Quality Review (AQR) as well as overseeing the execution of the Stress Test methodology.
  • Design of methodologies to quantify Pillar 2 risks, implementing quantitative approaches to measure credit concentration risk and operational risk as part of the annual ICAAP cycle.
  • Development and ongoing governance for credit risk stress testing models. The scope of these models was extended to other applications, including IFRS9 estimates and Base impairment forecasting.
  • Creation of a suite of strategic risk measures to measure key risk appetite metrics such as earnings risk and capital adequacy. These were embedded within an Enterprise Risk Management function.

Adrian has led a number of other analytical functions, including a business capital management team which implemented a granular forecasting model, a capital reporting suite and a series of optimisation initiatives to generate regulatory capital relief.

In addition, Adrian has considerable analytics experience in structured credit – covering both corporate and asset backed securities. He has created “mark to model” valuation methodologies, early warning systems and Expected Loss models.

  • Advisory
  • Banking
  • Credit risk
  • Data and Analytics
  • Financial Risk Management
  • Financial Services
  • Middle Market
  • Operations Risk
  • Risk Consulting
  • Small Enterprises
  • Ph.D. Theoretical and Computational Physics

  • Master in Science in Mathematics (First Class Honours)

  • Diploma in Financial Management (ACCA)
