Ciarán Rabbitt

Associate Director

KPMG in Ireland

Ciarán is Chartered Engineer with over 10 years’ experience working in the energy industry in both Ireland and Australia. Ciarán worked at EirGrid Group for 5 years’ where he held the position of Team Lead, Future Networks. Ciarán’s focus is on electricity network investment planning and asset management; he has coordinated network investment initiatives for electricity asset owners and operators in Ireland and Australia.

  • Asset Management
  • Carbon attestation
  • Digital-driven transformation
  • Engineering and Construction
  • Infrastructure
  • Managed Network Services
  • Monash University: MEng Master of Reliability and Maintenance Engineering

  • Technological University Dublin: BEng (Hons) – Manufacturing Engineering

  • Chartered Engineer and Member of the Institute of Engineers Ireland

  • Energy

  • Water

  • Decarbonisation

  • Sustainability