BGF Newsletter - 1st Edition

BGF Newsletter - 1st Edition

KPMG Indonesia Board Governance Forum (BGF) is excited to present the first edition of the BGF Newsletter which provides insights for the boards and audit committee in considering their agenda for 2021.


The year 2020 has been unforgettable and challenging for many companies across the globe.  As we are entered into a new year, 2021 stands to be a defining year for most companies, where their corporate strategies, culture, reputations and resilience will be put to the test in an uneven economic recovery. What are some lessons that the company—and the board—can take from 2020 to position itself for the future?


In this 1st  edition of BGF Newsletter, KPMG Indonesia shares insights on the critical issues that should be high on board and audit committee agendas/priorities this year, including key geopolitical trends for 2021 and critical risk areas that internal auditors need to consider. In addition, we also share what boards need to be aware of regarding personal data privilege rights. Last but not least, we introduce the new reporting requirement for Key Audit Matters, a major breakthrough in the financial reporting ecosystem, that will take effect in the near future.

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