Today the Government submitted the Second Authorisation Act to the Parliament

Today the Government submitted the Second Authorisation

As we have wrote about it earlier, due to the COVID-19 Pandemic, the Hungarian Government established a State of Emergency again by means of its Government Decree as effective from 4 November 2020.

dr. Bálint Tóásó

Leading attorney, Partner

KPMG Legal Tóásó Ügyvédi Iroda


In this respect, based on the Constitution, the Government is entitled to issue Extraordinary Decrees. Such Decrees aimed at introducing measures to counter-act the Covid-19 Pandemic. As a general rule, the validity of such Extraordinary Decrees lasts until 15 days, unless the Hungarian Parliament prolongs them.  

Based on the declaration of the Government, it wanted to react fast and had the fear that at some stage the Parliament might not be operable due to the Pandemic. Therefore, the Minister of Justice submitted the Second Authorisation Bill to grant more flexibility to the Government. It aims at simplifying the processes around the Extraordinary Decrees with eliminating the need for the Parliament to approve the extension of the 15 days long effect of the Extraordinary Decrees.

According to the Bill, the effect of the Extraordinary Decrees would be extended with 90 days. However, it is important to note that the Parliament can withdraw such authorization anytime.

For the adoption of the Second Authorization Bill the supermajority of the Bill would be needed.

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