Tax Alert

Tax Alert

Covid-19 update and important information from an immigration perspective



Given the current situation caused by the COVID-19 virus pandemic we would like to give you an update on the Hungarian government provisions in that regard and, in this context, the current situation in Hungary from an immigration perspective.

Travel restrictions

The Hungarian government has introduced several restrictions on entry into Hungary. Under the current regulations, only Hungarian citizens and EEA citizens with a permanent residence card can enter Hungary. Any EEA citizens or third-country citizens who possess a Hungarian permit (registration card, residence permit, etc.) but who currently are not in Hungary cannot re-enter the country until the restrictions have been lifted. This restriction also entails that new work assignments in Hungary cannot commence in the near future, therefore it may be necessary to reconsider any forthcoming travel/assignments to Hungary that have been scheduled previously. 

Hungarian authorities

At the moment, the offices of the Hungarian authorities are still open, but these facilities are operating with reduced staff numbers and under limited operating hours. Authorities have requested that only urgent cases should show up in person at customer service facilities. In light of the above, delays can be expected for all ongoing applications such as in immigration-, social security- or taxation-related matters.

Based on the latest information from the Hungarian Immigration Office, some applications have already been put on hold for an indefinite period (e.g. for Iranian citizens) due to the COVID-19 situation, and such measures could also be extended to other non-Hungarian citizens’ applications in the future.  

KPMG in Hungary

Serving our clients remains our top priority, so we will continue to provide our services to ensure business continuity. Many of our staff are working from home, remaining at your disposal via e-communication technologies. The global leadership of KPMG's network of member firms across the world are giving their full support to ensure client delivery throughout this period.

For any concerns or questions, please feel free to contact us.

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