Characteristics of transactional processes in Hungary
Characteristics of transactional processes in Hungary
KPMG survey - Characteristics of transactional processes in Hungary
KPMG in Hungary’s deal advisory team conducted a survey among significant local investors on the characteristics of transactional processes in Hungary.
Survey results show that instead of real estate investments, IT and health-care targets are the new favorites among professional investors.
We are pleased to present you with the results of our survey on the characteristics of transactions in Hungary. The survey, which kicked off in January, attempts to find the answers to questions like what preferences investors have, what specific transactional characteristics are typical, and what strategic and financial investors’ expectations are regarding the Hungarian market.
More than 20 major investors participated in our survey, either through personal interviews or by filling out our online questionnaire. All of the respondents tell us they have actively been looking for new investment possibilities in recent years, and the majority, around 90%, have also invested in at least one company, business or commercial property. The first part of our report provides a snapshot of Hungary’s transactions market, after which we present the details and summary of main findings of our survey.
© 2024 KPMG Hungary Ltd./ KPMG Advisory Ltd. / KPMG Legal Tóásó Law Firm / KPMG Global Services Hungary Ltd., a Hungarian limited liability company and a member firm of the KPMG global organization of independent member firms affiliated with KPMG International Limited, a private English company limited by guarantee. All rights reserved.
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