EU Funds in Central and Eastern Europe, Progress report 2007-2015

EU Funds in CEE, Progress report 2007-2015

EU Structural and Cohesion funds contribute 11-24% of the GDP of EU member states in Central & Eastern Europe (CEE), making outstanding contributions to these countries' infrastructure, transportation systems and urban modernization, among others. Following the completion of the 2007-2013 programming period, CEE countries now find themselves in the 2014-2020 EU funding interval, having finalized the negotiations stage with the European Commission, while some are even at the implementation stage.


The latest survey from KPMG's Government & Infrastructure Sectors practice in CEE, entitled EU Funds in Central and Eastern Europe – Progress Report 2007-2015, shows the progress of the CEE member states in the present funding period, and reveals that some of these countries could be doing a better job of contracting EU funds. 

Available budget 2007-2013 per capita vs. contracted grants 2007-2015 per capita

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