KPMG Guide to the posting of workers 2020

KPMG Guide to the posting of workers 2020

Changes for the labour market

labour market

2020. je godina mnogih važnih promjena za tržište rada koju će, uslijed opće atmosfere neizvjesnosti, obilježiti pojava atipičnih radnih mjesta i novih oblika rada u digitalnoj ekonomiji. Cilj KPMG-ovog vodiča o upućivanju radnika ima za cilj pomoći poslodavcima da razumiju opća načela koja se odnose na upućivanje radnika kako bi mogli pravilno upravljati svojom radnom snagom.


2020 is a year of many important changes for the labour market, with the emergence of atypical jobs and new forms of work in the digital economy, amid the general climate of uncertainty. The KPMG Guide to the posting of workers aims to help employers understand the general principle around posting of workers, in order to be able to properly plan the activity of their workforce.


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