Purpose Driven Businesses unite!
Purpose Driven Businesses unite!
Partnerships and cooperation of purpose driven businesses can drive exponential changes and impact
*Article of Siana Kyriacou, Partner & COO, KPMG at AmCham - Business Partners magazine
A “higher” purpose is now driving business besides profitable growth. These purpose driven companies wishing to contribute to society are often called upon to fill the expectations as well as the feasibility gap in what the state is able to and what it should provide. The one issue, also acknowledged by CEOs as the biggest risk to their organization’s growth according to KPMG’s fifth CEO Outlook, is that of climate change. This, together with their environmental impact, means that companies with a sustainable strategy embark in resources recycling programs, at the very least. Social issues, like hunger, disadvantaged communities, public health, unemployment, lifelong learning (in tandem with upskilling and reskilling), are also areas of great concern.
But how much of an impact is a company really making in their spectrum of influence? Each company can do so much, their reach restricted, their impact finite. What if there was a way for motivated companies, bound by the same hunger to leave their footprint and really make a difference, unite in their goals? Companies caring for the same goals should come together, align strategies, devise tactical moves, unite resources, and create impact that transcends their immediate sphere of influence. Partnerships and cooperation of purpose driven businesses can drive exponential changes and impact, motivating their people to contribute further, be proud of and feel part of the change that is coming. Partnerships provide for a stronger, united voice that can affect legislation, change culture, and provide a vision of how we want our world to be, shaping the future of generations to come.
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