
Tax Flash Alert

The Tax Flash Alerts provide a summary of new tax guidelines, regulations and provisions that the GRA releases.  It is a summary of what is happening in the tax space that the Commissioner General releases which is of concern to the general public.

Online Filing of Personal Income Tax

To support Ghana’s digitization agenda for efficient and effective socio-economic transformation, the Ghana Revenue Authority (GRA) has implemented the Taxpayers Portal to ensure that all tax returns are filed online. In compliance with this, individuals are required to use the Taxpayers Portal in filing their personal income tax returns. Based on this directive, paper based personal income tax returns will no longer be accepted by the GRA.

To this end, the 2022 personal income tax returns due on or before 28 April 2023 is required to be filed online. This alert provides a guide to individuals on how to set up on the Taxpayers Portal for the filing of their tax return.