International hotline
International hotline
The KPMG International hotline is a vehicle for KPMG partners, employees, clients and other parties (such as trainees, interns, service providers or other business partners) to confidentially report concerns they have relating to certain areas of activity by KPMG International, KPMG member firms or the senior leadership of a KPMG member firm. KPMGI works with Canada-based ClearView Strategic Partners, a third party administrator of telephone and web-based hotline services (ClearView Connects) to operate the KPMG International hotline.
In addition to this hotline, several of the member firms of the KPMG network have their own formal complaints procedures, details of which can be obtained from the relevant websites or engagement letters. If your report relates to one of our member firms, before using the KPMG International hotline to see if there is another site or email address which better suits your needs.
Any questions about the operation of the KPMGI hotline should be directed to
ClearView Connects™ is a registered trademark of ClearView Strategic Partners Inc.