Sarah johtaa Private Equity -toimialaryhmäämme. KPMG:n Private Equity -ryhmä tarjoaa due diligence-, yritysjärjestely- ja teknologiakonsultointipalveluita kattavasti koko Private Equity -toimialan tarpeisiin. Vahva asemamme Suomen Private Equity -markkinassa sekä maailmanlaajuisen verkostomme tuki takaavat, että asiakkaidemme käytössä on alan johtava asiantuntemus.
Sarah leads our Private Equity sector team. The dedicated KPMG Private Equity team offers a spectrum of services including due diligence, deal advisory, management consulting, and IT support to gather all the needs of Private Equity sector. Our strong position within the Private Equity market, cutting edge data analysis tools and the support of our global network guarantee that our clients have the leading industry expertise available whenever needed.
Read our Private Equity Market Update, where our Nordic PE sector team shares insights on PE deal volumes in key sectors across the Nordics.