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Timo Hirvonen has a long history with KPMG – in fact, he is celebrating his fifteenth anniversary of working at KPMG this January. Initially, he joined KPMG as a trainee in the finance team while he was still studying.

After the initial traineeship, he stayed on as a summer trainee until he was offered a permanent position. At first, Timo supported the finance team with various administrative tasks. Later, he focused on invoicing, became an admin user of different platforms, and acted as a support person for new recruits.

In 2017, Timo started studying again for a master’s degree from Metropolia University of Applied Sciences. A partner from KPMG knew about his ongoing studies and approached Timo to ask if he had ever considered a career in auditing. The option had not previously occurred to Timo, but after some consideration and when the recruitment for new audit professionals started, he decided to apply.


Fast forward to today, and Timo is now a senior at Audit 3, focusing on KPMG’s Enterprise sector clients. At first, his tenure was a job rotation, but when he realised how much he enjoyed the tasks and variety audit work offered, he wanted to stay for good.

The learning opportunities are especially good at audit, where everyone is encouraged to participate regularly in various training courses. In the future, Timo is keen to become an Authorised Public Accountant, and he is already aware that KPMG offers its employees a lot of support to achieve this goal. All in all, KPMG has allowed him to grow in his own way and has supported him along the way.

“When I was still studying, I was able to combine my studies with working full-time very well thanks to the flexibility our organization offers. My postgraduate studies also led me to a new career path within KPMG.

While I am very familiar with the organisation itself, the new tasks have proved to be varied, and working directly with our clients is something I’ve greatly enjoyed. In general, I’ve had many different responsibilities during my time at KPMG, and I’ve learnt that once you show interest, you get the opportunity to try new things like training others or mastering a certain platform.

However, people have always been the main reason I’ve enjoyed working at KPMG. My colleagues both within the same department and around the organization have kept me good company over the years.”