In March of this year, KPMG released findings from their 2021 Jersey Trust survey, highlighting the key trends in the Jersey fiduciary industry.

Since 2014 KPMG has been engaging survey participants by collating, analysing, and presenting the key trends and challenges facing the trust business. 

The recurring theme from previous surveys has been the increasing compliance burden from being a heavily regulated jurisdiction, as well as continuing recruitment challenges across the finance industry.

Looking ahead to the 2022 financial year, current indications of what is on the agenda for C-suite executives include exploring the use of Regulatory Technology (RegTech) to ease compliance pressures, considerations for ESG as a potential growth area and business process automation, amongst other key topics.

KPMG have kicked off the survey for 2022 and released the current year’s questionnaire to all industry participants for completion.

If you wish to participate in the trust industry survey or have any queries, please contact Mark Ashburn ( or Muhammed Anaja ( for further details.