Dr. Hanne Böckem
Partner, Audit, DPP
KPMG AG Wirtschaftsprüfungsgesellschaft
On 14 March 2024, the IASB published a draft amendment to IFRS 3 and IAS 36: Business Combinations - Disclosures, Goodwill and Impairment (ED/2024/01).
The proposals to amend IFRS 3 are essentially aimed at improving information on business combinations, in particular on expected synergies. The newly introduced category of so-called "strategic business combinations" is subject to stricter requirements. These include reporting on the actual realisation of expected synergies in subsequent years.
The proposed amendments to IAS 36 specify in particular the procedure for determining the level at which goodwill is to be tested for impairment.
The deadline for submitting comments is 15 July 2024.
You can download the draft here.
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