With my expertise in the financial area of family businesses, foundations and NPOs, I support my clients at the interface between philanthropy and corporate engagement.
I have extensive experience in auditing private equity portfolio companies and internationally active groups. My many years of professional practice also include dealing with foundation law, capital maintenance, use of funds as well as non-profit tax law.
M. Sc. Accounting & Auditing (§8a WPO)
Tax consultant
Member of the working group "Accounting and auditing of non-profit organisations" at the Institut der Wirtschaftsprüfer in Deutschland e.V. (IDW). Speaker on accounting and auditing of foundations/NPOs at various training organisations, including DStV e.V., IDW Akademie and NWB Akademie.
Author on accounting topics for non-profit organisations, e.g. "Die Reform des Stiftungsrechts - eine bilanzielle Perspektive" (npoR 5/2022, C.H. Beck / Institute for Foundation Law and the Law of NPO at Bucerius Law School), "Die Bilanzierung Spenden sammelnder Organisationen - Status quo und Perspektiven unter besonderer Betrachtung des Verwendungsprinzips nach IDW RS HFA 21" (NPLYB 2019, C.H. Beck / Schriftenreihe des Instituts für Stiftungsrecht und das Recht der NPO an der Bucerius Law School).