Regulatory advisory services
The current dynamic and changing regulatory environment is placing increasing burdens on financial institutions. The multitude of local and European regulatory texts requires continuous analysis, methodical interpretation, comparison with existing regulations and implementation into the daily operations of the institution. Several regulations also entail regular reporting and disclosure obligations with their own set of methodological guidelines.
Our regulatory team helps our financial institution clients understand and effectively implement new regulations while balancing cost, complexity, and business benefits.
We also help meet regulatory reporting requirements, both through methodological assistance and the development of automation tools. We continuously monitor legislative developments and current market topics, so we always have up-to-date insight into the issues our clients are facing.
In the context of prudential regulation (CRR / CRD IV, CRR II / CRD V, Basel IV, and others), our experts have many years of experience in gap analysis of changes and implementation projects, in calculating and assessing the impact of business decisions, and in reporting on regulatory indicators such as capital adequacy, leverage ratio, liquidity coverage ratio and others. Our regulatory team provides methodological support in COREP/FINREP reporting and develops tailored tools to automate regulatory reporting including related calculations.
Members of our team have extensive experience in capital markets regulation (MiFID II / MiFIR package, MAD, PRIIPS, etc.) and assist clients with process analysis and documentation in relation to legislation. At the same time, they can assist in the reporting of derivative transactions.