Become a trustworthy business partner

Though most companies don’t have to submit non-financial reports (yet), the regulators might tighten up that rules very soon. Legislation, and not just the EU one, requires more transparency every year and expects companies to carefully monitor and publish information on environment (E), social issues (I), and governance (G).

Your stakeholders expect reliable, verifiable, and comparable information that will help in their decision-making. We can help you get familiar with the options and choose one that will suit both your strategy and goals and meet the stakeholders’ requirements. 


How we can help

ilustrační obrázek k reportu

Meeting requirements

We will make sure you are ready for legal requirements, NFRD/CSRD, EU Taxonomy, TCFD, and much more.

ilustrační obrázek k datům

Data quality

We will help improve your data quality, data gathering process, data management, and reporting processes.

ilustrační obrázek

Report verification

We will verify your non-financial report ourselves or get you ready for an external verification.

ilustrační obrázek

Compiling reports

We will compare reporting methods and choose one that is the best fit for your business, compiling a report that will meet all requirements and best practice standards.


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