Adam Sliwka from KPMG Czech Republic becomes one of the leaders of KPMG’s global team on power industry and public services. Now, he is in charge of devising a strategy and methodology for use of smart measurement systems in smart grids for all KPMG firms.

The strategy and methodology are among the steps taken by KPMG in response to the ongoing energy transition process. Under the global team Sliwka, based in Prague, now leads one of the three groups on Smart Grids. “The goal is to unify how KPMG firms approach topics like E2E process design, data models, and final solution architecture tailored to the requirements of distribution network operators. My colleagues from abroad can expect my support in expert questions and methodology, but also on the human level,” says Sliwka.

“Adam’s appointment to this position shows that years of work that our energetics team has put in are truly appreciated. Power industry is a key sector that can profit significantly from a successful digitalization, passing its benefits along to the society,” says Petr Bučík, the CEE Lead Partner at KPMG Advisory.

Sliwka has been in the power industry for over ten years, focusing mostly on smart grids and digitalization for operators of distribution networks and transmission systems. Before that, he was a part of Deloitte or Ness, but his career actually began in investment banking, with companies like Deutsche Bank.