Investment in the Czech Republic
Investment in the Czech Republic
Our investor’s guidebook is out, providing international firms with a complete overview of information essential for doing business in the Czech Republic.
In today’s highly competitive and dynamic economic environment, few decisions are as critical to success as selecting your business location. Most entrepreneurs at some point consider relocating to create fresh momentum and pursue new growth.
Compared to its regional peers, the Czech Republic is doing fairly well in terms of GDP per capita and in terms of competitiveness. It also clearly stands out as a regional champion in the inflow of foreign direct investment (FDI). The Czech Republic has been a popular destination for foreign capital and has attracted high volumes of FDI. FDI activities in the Czech Republic stand out with a very important factor: profitability.
While cost is a factor, it is only one of many considerations that influence the choice of destination: an education system that yields a highly skilled workforce; high living standards and a diverse culture; capacity for innovation; a modern infrastructure combined with a position in the heart of Europe.
The Czech Republic is home to many advantageous conditions – from its geographical location combined with a reliable infrastructure, availability of suppliers and specialized inputs needed by foreign investors, to quality of life and social stability, cost competitiveness, financial stability and availability of financing, investment incentives as well as a skilled workforce and a high educational level, making it an attractive location for all types of investors and companies.
This publication sets out insights and data relevant to planning investments or conducting business in the Czech Republic. Czech and EU legislation are frequently amended. Accordingly, the information should be viewed only as a general guide for preliminary planning purposes. We nevertheless hope it will be a helpful source of background information and a constructive tool in making your investment decisions.
Combining KPMG’s insights and expertise in relocation issues, we can help you determine if the Czech Republic is the right base for your business in Europe. If you have any questions, remarks or suggestions, please feel free to contact the respective KPMG experts.
We look forward to assisting you with your investment in the Czech Republic.
© 2025 KPMG Česká republika, s.r.o., společnost s ručením omezeným založená dle právních předpisů České republiky a členská společnost globální organizace nezávislých členských společností KPMG, přidružených ke KPMG International Limited, soukromé anglické společnosti s ručením omezeným. Všechna práva vyhrazena.
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