KPMG Global Manufacturing Outlook 2015: Preparing for battle - Manufacturers get ready for transformation

KPMG Global Manufacturing Outlook 2015

KPMG International’s Global Manufacturing Outlook (GMO) 6th annual report provides a comprehensive overview of the global manufacturing sector. It includes forward-thinking advice, practical insights and valuable benchmarks from KPMG partners as well as industry experts and leaders based on an industry-wide survey.

Fergus Cunningham - Partner

Partner, Audit Commercial

KPMG in Czech Republic

factory workers making a plan

The GMO explores the steps that manufacturers around the world are taking toprepare their organizations for the innovation and technology-driventransformation that is to come. The insights and take-aways contained withinthis report will help manufacturers better understand their competitive positionand prepare their organization for long-term growth and competitive advantage.

About the survey

The Global Manufacturing Outlook 2015 is based on a survey of 368 senior executives conducted by Forbes on behalf of KPMG International completed in early 2015. Respondents represented six industries: Aerospace and Defense, Automotive, Conglomerates, Life Sciences - Medical Devices, Engineering and Industrial Products and Metals. Fifty percent of respondents held C-level positions and a third represented organizations with more than US$5 billion in annual revenue. Respondents were distributed evenly between the Americas, Europe and Asia.

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