Property Lending Barometer 2014
Property Lending Barometer 2014
KPMG’s new report, Property Lending Barometer 2014 assesses the prospects for bank financing in the real estate sector in the Central & Eastern European (CEE) as well as in Russia, and in the Western European markets of Austria, Germany, Sweden and UK.
KPMG’s new report, Property Lending Barometer 2014 assesses the current status of and prospects for bank financing in the real estate sector in the Central & Eastern European (CEE) as well as in Russia, and in the Western European markets of Austria, Germany, Sweden and UK. The report is based on the findings from our survey of the leading banks operating in each individual country. The barometer includes input from more than 70 banks all of which were active in the real estate market in Europe. The data for the survey was primarily collected through in-depth interviews with bank representatives. The survey provides insights for developers and investors alike on the future prospects for real estate financing, and should enable banks to benchmark their practices based upon that of their peers.
Property Lending Barometer 2014 includes:
- Overview of the European real estate market
- The current state and banks’ future expectations for impaired real estate loans
- Insights on the success criteria for restructuring impaired loans
- The overall prospect of the banks’ real estate portfolios
- Assessment of the banks’ openness to finance real estate projects
- Opportunities for financing new real estate projects, including the banks’ asset class preferences, conditions for financing new developments and income-generating properties
- Separate snapshots for each of the 15 surveyed countries.
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