CEE Property Lending Barometer 2012

CEE Property Lending Barometer 2012

We are delighted to present the Central and Eastern European (CEE) Property Lending Barometer 2012. After showing signs of recovery last year, in most of the countries the real estate sector appears to be entering a renewed period of recession this year. The performance of real estate in different countries and asset classes still varies widely.

Andrea Sartori

Global Head of Sports

KPMG Tanácsadó Kft.

CEE Property Lending Barometer 2012
As a follow-up to previous years’ surveys, we have conducted a survey amongst leading banks in the region, with the purpose of assessing the prospects for bank financing in the real estate sector in CEE. The barometer includes input from over 35 banks active in these markets, mostly obtained from in-depth interviews. Representatives of leading financial institutions have provided their views on the key issues affecting property lending. The following countries were included in the 3rd edition of the survey: the Baltics, Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Romania and Slovenia.

Many banks still have significant non-performing real estate loans to manage. In this report, we first focus on how banks are managing these non-performing loans; we then assess how banks are strategically approaching real estate lending and what they expect for the next 18 months. Finally, we address the prospects and terms available for developers and investors to finance new real estate developments and income-generating properties.

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