CEE Property Lending Barometer 2010

CEE Property Lending Barometer 2010

This reportassesses the prospects for bank financing in the real estate sector in the Central & Eastern European region (CEE). Companies and stakeholders in this sector have been under extreme pressure in the global economic crisis, and the financing of CEE real estate remains unclear. There has been a large reduction in transactions, and the performance of real estate varies greatly across countries and asset classes. Bank financing can play a vital role in the recovery and the development of the sector in the region. As a result, the lending sentiment for real estate projects is without a doubt remaining a crucial issue for developers, investors, banks and a range of other stakeholders alike.

CEE Property Lending Barometer 2010

The report includes:

  • Regional overview of the CEE real estate market
  • The current state and banks’ future expectations for impaired real estate loans
  • Insights on the success criteria for restructuring impaired loans
  • The overall prospect of the banks’ real estate portfolios
  • Assessment of the banks’ openness to finance real estate projects
  • Opportunities for financing new real estate projects, including the banks’ asset class preferences and criteria for financing

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