Newsletter Num. 13 - 2022

Newsletter Num. 13 - 2022

The objective of this Bulletin is to share with each of the companies the most relevant information on legal and tax matters on a fortnightly basis.


Contacto local

Carmen Sánchez

Socia a cargo de la práctica de Impuestos & Servicios Legales

KPMG in Costa Rica

Correo electrónico
Boletín informativo

Triannual Increase in the Percentage of the Disability, Old Age and Death Regime

On June 20th, 2019, the Board of Directors of the Costa Rican Social Security Administration ("CCSS" by its initials in Spanish) in its Ordinary Session Number 9038 established the decision to make the triannual increase of 0.5% in the tripartite contribution made by the State, the employer, and the worker in favor of the Disability, Old Age and Death Regime ("IVM" by its initials in Spanish).

This increase would be effective as of January 1st, 2020 and must be applied every three years. In this regard, as of January 1st, 2023, the contribution percentage will increase from 10.66% to 11.16%. The distribution of the percentages will be as follows: 

Period From 2020 until 2022 From 2023, to 2025 Increase
Employer 5.25% 5.42% 0.17%
Employee 4.00% 4,17% 0.17%
State 1.41% 1.57% 0.16%
                                  Total:  0.50%

Finally, the following adjustments to the IVM contributions will apply for the years 2026 and 2029. 


Acta de Sesión Ordinaria 9038-Caja Costarricense de Seguro Social

Public Consultation Draft Resolutions of the General Directorate of Taxation

The General Directorate of Taxation ("DGT" by its initials in Spanish) granted a period of ten working days for interested parties to submit their comments on the following draft resolutions placed in public consultation:

Through the resolutions it is established that as from its effective dates, all individuals or legal entities that performs transactions in the national territory for the purchase and sale of the mentioned products should pay the Value Added Tax ("VAT") in accordance with the general provisions established in Law Number 6826 "Value Added Tax Law".

In addition, it establishes the particularities for the determination of VAT on the products covered by each of the proposed resolutions.

In this sense, the provisions established in this project are proposed to become effective as of January 1st, 2023.

In addition, comments may be sent to the e-mail address until December 7th of this year.

Finally, to access the Draft Resolutions enabled by the DGT you can find the  link: Proyectos en Consulta Pública - Ministerio de Hacienda - República de Costa Rica.


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