Still searching for better customer experience
Still searching for better customer experience
Today’s customers expect seamless delivery of personalized service and informed advice both in the retail outlet and across channels.
KPMG conducted a global customer experience study across 29 countries and 124 service providers to identify better practices and trends for the mobile consumer market of the telecommunications sector. With more than 770 store visits, 800 contact center calls, 1,190 SIMs purchased and more than 730 top-ups, this report compares customer experiences and provides a comprehensive global view across a broad range of providers and channels.
Most of the improvement in customer experience has come in the area of digital channels particularly via mobile app and online touch points. Legacy channels of the retail store and call center have generally shown minimal improvement. In some areas, performance has even declined as operators- have generally sought to shift volume away from these traditional and higher cost to serve channels.
However, telcos creating different experiences between online and retail customers are realizing the need to improve overall integration of services.
Retail Experience:
More service providers have begun to use their retail store spaces in unique and creative ways. Store layouts deemed most effective today are convenient and intuitive to navigate and designed to provide timely information and quick service at every turn.
Digital Experience:
Digital self-service opportunities are providing customers with greater autonomy in designing their own experience, including the use of enhanced mobile apps offering diverse services such as topping-up prepaid services and making plan changes. While customers are increasingly using new digital platforms, integration of customer accounts to promote sharing of customer information across the various channels is not prevalent resulting in an uneven customer experience.
Call Center Experience:
Low call centre waiting times during customer calls is important to customer satisfaction but a good customer experience is more closely linked to the quality of interaction with the sales agent in terms of their knowledge and ability to provide convenient solutions and useful advice.
It's clear that delivering a seamless customer experience in an increasingly connected cross-channel world is not a simple endeavor. Customer experience management strategies that precisely address the modern consumer, their heightened expectations and balancing of the related economics are required.
Download this report to learn more about global best practices and trends that are key to creating a better customer experience.