An Evolving Internal Audit Landscape: Beyond conventional compliance

An Evolving Internal Audit Landscape

This report provides an analysis of the role internal audit is playing among Hong Kong listed companies and assesses the emerging risks and opportunities the sector faces.

Illustrated statistics on screen

The future of internal audit in Hong Kong looks both promising and challenging as companies come to grips with the age of digitalisation. The purpose of the report is to provide market participants with the latest internal audit trends in Hong Kong and provide insights on how they could improve their internal audit functions.

In the report, we have identified five key attributes that a leading internal audit function should possess in today’s business environment:

  • Becoming a trusted business advisor
  • Embracing big data analytics in audits
  • Staying ahead of digital threats
  • Auditing culture and behavioural controls
  • Assessing the effectiveness of internal audit

Our analysis are based on the findings of a joint survey conducted by KPMG and The Institute of Internal Auditors (IIA) Hong Kong in March 2017. The survey seeks to understand the role internal audit plays in the business operations of Hong Kong listed companies and capture the key challenges and opportunities they are facing as a result of the Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited’s (HKEx) increased emphasis on improving corporate governance standards.

See the full report for details.

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