Our people : Jemima Chadwick
Our people : Jemima Chadwick
Meet Jemima - Legal mind, dog owner and recent New Yorker.
Meet Jemima - Legal mind, dog owner and recent New Yorker.
Jemima Chadwick
Risk Consulting Manager, KPMG IN THE US
Legal mind, dog owner and recent New Yorker.
“It’s amazing what you can achieve when you explore different options and ask for opportunities. I was once told, ‘Stay true to what you’re looking for,’ and that’s really stuck with me throughout my career. Be yourself, don’t be afraid to speak up and keep your long-term goals in mind. This is the attitude that’s gotten me where I am today.
Ally McBeal was my inspiration as a child: I always wanted to be a lawyer. But things changed during law school in London. I realized I didn’t want to specialize in just one thing anymore; I wanted to keep my options open. KPMG offered a huge variety of opportunities and the chance to work within lots of different companies and industries. I went for it and haven’t looked back.
I joined KPMG in the UK in Audit on the Chemicals and Pharmaceuticals team. I jumped in right way, starting with a big engagement – a group audit of a large pharma company. Working on that project, along with solid mentorship, helped me learn, grow and improve my skills early on in my career.
But after three years in Audit, I wanted a new challenge. I spoke to my performance manager and she introduced me to Forensic, which I hadn’t even known was an offering at KPMG. My interest was immediately piqued. Forensic is largely about legal compliance, so my legal education was absolutely key. And the Forensic group wanted someone with a background in pharma, so it was an ideal fit. I already had all the right skills and knowledge in place.
I also had a burning ambition to live in New York and set out to make it happen. I took the initiative and learned about a Forensic opportunity there. It was perfect. I was completely backed by my manager and team and landing that position has been the highlight of my career so far.
I now investigate fraud, bribery and corruption in pharmaceutical companies across Asia Pacific. If an issue comes up from an audit or through a whistle-blower complaint – like suspected bribery to doctors or government officials – we investigate it and I help write the report which we provide to the client. I even got to go to Singapore for three weeks within the first few months of joining the group to run an informal report-writing workshop. Aside from my exciting and ever-challenging career, living in New York is incredible. I adopted a toy poodle named Kobe, I’ve signed up for cocktail-making and painting classes and I like to spin (indoor cycling) and do Pilates on the weekends. I’m taking advantage of everything the Big Apple – and KPMG – has to offer.”
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