Legislative Update Newsletter - March, 2019

Legislative Update Newsletter - March, 2019

Overview of recent changes in the Azerbaijani legislation that could materially impact your business.

Legislative Update Newsletter - March, 2019

In this Issue

1. Presidential Decree on additional measures on resolution of the issue relating to non-performing loans in the Republic of Azerbaijan was adopted;

2. Minimum monthly wage was increased;

3. Law of the Republic of Azerbaijan “On insurance activity” was amended;

4. Civil Procedural Code of the Republic of Azerbaijan was amended;

5. Civil Code of the Republic of Azerbaijan was amended;

6. Law of the Republic of Azerbaijan “On state procurement” was amended;

7. Law “On state registration and state register of legal entities” of the Republic of Azerbaijan was amended;

8. Law “On medical insurance” of the Republic of Azerbaijan was amended;

9. Law of the Republic of Azerbaijan “On suspension of inspections of entrepreneurial activities” was amended.

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