New Appointments at KPMG in Azerbaijan
New Appointments at KPMG in Azerbaijan
We are pleased to announce appointments of Ziya Mammadov as an Audit Director and Kirill Martynov as Deal Advisory Director (VMAF) at KPMG in Azerbaijan effective as of 1 October 2018.
Ziya Mammadov
Director, Audit, KPMG in Azerbaijan
During his career, Ziya delivered audit and consulting services to clients operating in various sectors of economy including retail, oil and gas, transportation and manufacturing as well as to banks, insurance and leasing companies.
Ziya’s appointment is a result of rigorous selection process that recognized his valuable contribution to ongoing success of KPMG in building high-performing audit team and in delivering exceptional service to our clients.
Kirill Martynov
Director, Deal Advisory, KPMG in Azerbaijan
Kirill has been working for KPMG since 2007 and has extensive experience in the field of business valuation, financial modeling and financial analysis.
Whilst his career, Kirill participated in numerous projects on business and fixed assets valuation of international companies operating in various industries, including the following: retail, construction materials (cement production), agriculture, healthcare, transport and logistics, machinery, hi-tech.
Starting from October 2017 Kirill is responsible for the development of Deal Advisory in Azerbaijan.
We congratulate both Ziya Mammadov and Kirill Martynov on their new positions and wish them further success and professional achievements at our company!
© 2025 KPMG Azerbaijan refers to KPMG Audit Azerbaijan LLC, a company incorporated under the Laws of the Republic of Azerbaijan, and KPMG Azerbaijan Limited, a company incorporated under the Laws of the Guernsey, acting through its Representative Office in the Republic of Azerbaijan, member firms of the KPMG global organization of independent member firms affiliated with KPMG International Limited, a private English company limited by guarantee. All rights reserved.
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