Insurances, pension funds and other financial institutions are regularly subject to high amounts of Austrian or foreign withholding taxes. In this regard the complete or partly refund is of utmost importance for these corporations.
What is our service?
Austrian withholding tax (KESt): We support foreign corporations with the outbound process of refunding on the legal basis of DTA (double taxation agreement), as well as sec. 21 para. 1 subpara.1a Corporate Income Tax Act (“Fokus Bank” claims) and section 6 CIT Act (pension- and corporate provision funds).
Foreign withholding tax: In cooperation with our KPMG network we support our Austrian clients in the process of refunding abroad according to DTA and EU law.
Why promptly? Requests of refunding withholding tax are validating and can be negated even if all forms and requirements for refund have been met. For that reason we highly recommend your action as soon as possible.
Contact your KPMG Tax Team Insurance.