Increased reporting/disclosure to investors; new compliance documentation requirements for all registered advisers
KPMG Regulatory Insight
August 2023
The Securities & Exchange Commission (SEC) has adopted final rules and amendments under the Investment Advisers Act of 1940 (Advisers Act) that enhance regulation of private fund advisers with the goal of protecting investors. The SEC states the rules are designed to address three factors for risks and harms in an adviser’s relationship with private funds and their investors: “lack of transparency, conflicts of interest, and lack of effective governance mechanisms for client disclosure, consent, and oversight.”
The SEC highlights several “key changes” from the proposal (see KPMG Regulatory Alert, here) including:
The final rules and amendments are highlighted below. Changes from the proposal are denoted in italics.
Quarterly Statements, Independent Audits, and Fairness Opinions. The rules will require registered private fund advisers (or advisers required to be registered) to:
Quarterly Statement Rule | Prepare and distribute quarterly statements for each private fund that they advise to the fund’s investors covering fund-level information, including fees, expenses, performance, and adviser compensation within forty-five (45) days after the first three fiscal quarter ends, and ninety (90) days after the fiscal year end (for a private fund that is a fund of funds, the quarterly statement must be distributed within seventy-five (75) days after the first three fiscal quarter ends, and one hundred twenty (120) days after the fiscal year end). As part of the quarterly statement:
Private Fund Audit Rule | Obtain an annual independent financial statement audit of each private fund they advise that meets the requirements of the audit provision in the Advisers Act Custody Rule (Rule 206(4)-2)), including:
Adviser-Led Secondaries Rule | Obtain and distribute a fairness or valuation opinion from an independent opinion provider (prior to due date of the election form) in connection with certain adviser-led secondary transactions where an adviser offers fund investors the option to sell their interests in the private fund, or to exchange them for new interests in another vehicle advised by the adviser. Prepare and distribute to private fund investors a written summary of any material business relationships the adviser or any of its related persons has, or has had within the past two years, with the independent opinion provider. |
Restricted Activities and Preferential Treatment. Additionally, the final rules adopt provisions for all private fund advisers (regardless of registration status) that may restrict certain activities and practices the SEC states have the potential to lead to investor harms:
Restricted Activities Rule | In a change from the proposal, the final rule restricts private fund advisers from engaging in the following activities unless they satisfy certain disclosure and, in some cases, consent requirements:
The SEC did not adopt the proposed provisions related to fees for unperformed services or indemnification. |
Preferential Treatment Rule | Under the final rule, advisers may not provide preferential treatment to an investor if the adviser reasonably expects the preferential terms would have a material, negative effect on other investors, specifically with respect to:
In addition, an adviser may not provide any preferential treatment for any investor unless the adviser provides written notices disclosing i) certain preferential terms to prospective investors prior to the investor’s investment in the private fund, and ii) at least annually, all preferential terms provided to investors in the same private fund, regardless of whether the fund is liquid or illiquid. |
Adviser Misconduct | SEC did not adopt provisions from the proposal related to adviser misconduct regarding:
Books and Records Rule Amendments. The SEC also adopted amendments to the Advisers Act “books and records rule” that require advisers to private funds that are registered or required to be registered to retain books and records related to the requirements for the Quarterly Statement Rule, Annual Audit Rule, Adviser-Led Secondaries Rule, the Preferential Treatment Rule and the Restricted Activities Rule.
Compliance Rule Amendments. For all registered advisers, including those that do not advise private funds, the final rule amends the Adviser Act “compliance rule” to require the advisers to document in writing the required annual review of the adequacy of compliance policies and procedures and the effectiveness of their implementation.
Compliance Dates. The final rules and amendments provide for the following compliance dates:
Legacy Status. The SEC will provide a “legacy” status for aspects of the Preferential Treatment Rule (which restricts advisers’ ability to provide certain preferential redemption rights and information about portfolio holdings) and the aspects of the Restricted Activities Rule that require investor consent (which restrict an adviser from borrowing from a private fund and from charging for certain investigation fees and expenses). The legacy status applies to governing agreements that were entered into prior to the compliance date if compliance with the rules would require parties to amend the agreement by private funds that had commenced operations as of the compliance date.
SEC Private Fund Adviser Reforms: Final Rules
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