Imagine being able to open a bank account, apply for travel insurance, invest in wealth funds or even purchase cryptocurrencies⁠⁠ — all while you shop for groceries on your favorite e-commerce app. 

Embedded finance is rewriting the rules of the banking and financial services domain by integrating financial products and services into non-financial platforms. From online retailers providing 'buy now, pay later' (BNPL) options to food delivery apps offering personal loans, it is streamlining consumer access to financial processes. 

Fuelled by innovative tech like cloud computing and AI, emerging fintechs with disruptive business models and the proliferation of third-party Banking-as-a-Service (BaaS) providers using API integrated solutions to embed financial services into the user journey of non-financial platforms, the embedded finance industry is expected to reach US$230 billion by 2025. 

In our report, we provide insights into emerging trends and market development of the embedded finance sector both in Singapore and the region along with key challenges that could undermine its trajectory. 

Download our full report for more details. 

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